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Jen, What Exactly is "Coaching"?

A lot is made of "our stories." Our big story—our life. Our small stories—the little tales within our every day. Why? We humans love a good story. It’s how history has been passed down, how we help our kids fall asleep, and why we watch, read, listen to what we do—it’s all about the narrative. So what about our narratives? And how much control do we have over it? How much energy do we exert over our own story—or how much do we let happen? In what area or areas are we diving into? Or, in other words, what we are happy or unhappy with? And what story are we looking for? Does being “happy” matter, or is it “joy” we are really looking for? What's the difference? Do we put our head down and soldier on? Are we “called” or do we “make the call”?

This International Coach Federation (ICF) video explains more about coaching and why coaching can be a powerful tool to help a person work on their own stories. Studies repeatedly show that change happens faster and more effectively when you're working with a coach. I've worked with: • a college student looking for a new job • a man in his late 20s working to paying off college debt • a woman turn a volunteer passion into a paid passion • a young entrepreneur think through her business plans • a woman in her 40s considering taking a new high-powered job • a woman in her late 50s who wants to make "the rest of her time really count" • an ex-Wall Street exec find something he really wants to do • a teenager think though college plans I know that every one of us has an evolving, dynamic story. And our beloved and wonderful Summer! Summer is a great time to READ STORIES, and to THINK ABOUT whether you're ready to work on yours! Jen

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