Free Will or Free Won't?
Ever heard of "Free Won't"? In 1983, Benjamin Libet, a scientist in the field of human consciousness, conducted a study on what happens...
Your Thoughts: Helpful or Hurtful?
When you're 90 feet above the ground, about to launch yourself off the platform for "the ride of your life!" you're going to have some...
Road to Gratitude
Here's a sample published story: Road to Gratitude As an only child of separating and then divorcing parents, I didn’t understand where I...

What's your Bandwidth?
45. That's when it happened. I realized that I had to nap. Maybe it was only closing my eyes for 10-20 minutes in the afternoon, but if I...

"Can you?" & "Let Me Think..."
If you want something done... ask a busy person. Busy people have so many plates spinning that adding one more doesn't seem to bother...