Urgent? Important? Neither?
September and May are the two months of the year where I feel bombarded by the change of routine and of change of circumstance, ie...

All Systems Go!
As you know, coaches--athletic and otherwise--work with people to reach a goal or goals. It's important to have a goal. But what's...
Quote Your Success
“Eventually, all of us will be called upon to do the thing that cannot be done.” Sometimes a line of text sears your soul. For me, one...
Jen, What Exactly is "Coaching"?
A lot is made of "our stories." Our big story—our life. Our small stories—the little tales within our every day. Why? We humans love...

The Need for Speed
Do you ignore some speed limit signs? I've been looking at the same speed limit signs for more than thirty years, and sometimes I get...
Target: "A Life Worth Living"
A Bullseye Focus on "A Life Worth Living" I just finished a course on DBT (Dialectic Behavior Therapy) skills. If you haven't heard of...
Forgive? Me?
Does Not Forgiving get in your way? Last month in my writing workshop we were discussing forgiveness. "It was like a light switch," a...

Rumble With The Bumble
Rumble with the Bumble A lot is made of "our stories." Our big story—our life. Our small stories—the little tales within our every day....

Ready... or Not?
Ready... or Not? We're halfway through January. How are the resolutions going? Are you rockin' it? Given up? Either way, know that...

Wait, Wait in the Holidaze?
Embarrassingly, about seven years ago I signed off every email in December saying, "Happy Holidaze!"-- what I considered a punny take on...